An article examined how students on Initial Teacher Training courses understood and conceptualized discourses of 'race', diversity and inclusion. It said that students' understandings of 'race', diversity and inclusion were complex. It recommended more training to ensure teachers' understanding of diversity, and their ability to address issues around racism in the classroom.
Source: Kalwant Bhopal and Jasmine Rhamie, 'Initial teacher training: understanding race, diversity and inclusion', Race, Ethnicity and Education, Online first
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Nov
A study examined how ethnicity influenced experiences and levels of poverty, the effect of place on experiences of poverty among different ethnic groups, and the factors that affected access to routes out of poverty. The study also looked at the extent to which there were specific issues particular to Wales and made recommendations for policy and practice in Wales.
Source: Duncan Holtom, Ian Bottrill, and Jack Watkins, Poverty and Ethnicity in Wales, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Date: 2013-Oct
A new book examined the practical application of 'critical race theory' to the English context. Despite claims of a 'post-racial era', equality laws were under threat, and evidence of racism persisted in life and work.
Source: Namita Chakrabarty, Lorna Roberts, and John Preston (eds), Critical Race Theory in England, Routledge
Links: Summary
Date: 2013-Sep
An article examined the theoretical reasons for believing that feminism and anti-racism could be regarded as fighting for the joint purpose of anti-discrimination in Europe, and the empirical evidence that might be found for such a joint approach.
Source: Helene Pristed Nielsen, 'Joint purpose? Intersectionality in the hands of anti-racist and gender equality activists in Europe', Ethnicities, Volume 13 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-May
An article examined recent trends in the number of minority-ethnic Members of Parliament, including the end of the Labour Party's 'virtual monopoly' on minority parliamentary representation. There was a new commitment to increased minority representation, with both Labour and Conservatives employing a variety of strategies for increasing it. The strategy to select more minority candidates in 'white' seats was key to increasing the numbers of minority parliamentarians, and signalled a departure from the traditional pattern of minority-ethnic politicians being elected by ethnic minorities.
Source: Maria Sobolewska, 'Party strategies and the descriptive representation of ethnic minorities: the 2010 British General Election', West European Politics, Volume 36 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Apr
An article examined variations in the extent to which black and minority-ethnic (BME) Members of Parliament used the House of Commons to articulate issues relevant to minority constituents. BME MPs asked more questions relating to the problems and rights of ethnic minorities in, and immigration to, the United Kingdom. But all British MPs were responsive to the interests of minority constituents where these were geographically concentrated. MPs responded systematically to electoral incentives, especially in the politically salient area of immigration policy.
Source: Thomas Saalfeld and Daniel Bischof, 'Minority-ethnic MPs and the substantive representation of minority interests in the House of Commons, 2005–2011', Parliamentary Affairs, Volume 66 Issue 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Mar
An article examined differences between white and minority-ethnic local election candidates. Minority-ethnic candidates were more likely to be younger and better educated, but fewer women were recruited from among this group. Such candidates were electorally inexperienced, had stronger ties with community-related organizations, and were more likely to make their own decision to stand for election rather than being approached by a fellow party member.
Source: Michael Thrasher, Galina Borisyuk, Colin Rallings, and Mary Shears, 'BAME candidates in local elections in Britain', Parliamentary Affairs, Volume 66 Issue 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Mar
A study examined the relationship between poverty and ethnicity in Northern Ireland. Low-grade, low-paid employment appeared commonplace among people from minority-ethnic groups, despite many having high qualifications and skills. In-work and child poverty also appeared to be problematic.
Source: Alison Wallace, Ruth McAreavey, and Karl Atkin, Poverty and Ethnicity in Northern Ireland: An evidence review, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Date: 2013-Feb